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I kinda, never had this type ofbmixed feelings for any IF I played, frustration and hope? For me it always was either I drop it and dont like, or like and stick till the end, waiting eagerly for updates. But rn I swear Id rip the hair on my head, god f- damn. This helplessness I get, cuz, almost always, you can feel that soon enough you'll unlock some sort of thing, like hidden power or anything, it gets with to me after playing so many similar in setting games, but somehow, in this one, its just unbearable, I feel helpless, as if its actually me being cursed, seeing people so much stronger and definitely, were they cursed, they'd resolve it so much easier than me, and these comparisons, fuckkkk, I cant, I never felt so utterly pressed to find an answer, fearing being helpless and weak till the end, it just can't sit with me, making me so frustrated and somehow... even if it feels bad, there is some belive that this is temporary, that brings me back to the game again and again. Questions that always avoid being answered or mentioned, sudden bursts of hope that go away just as quickly. This all makes it to me, a game that is like one of a kind, completely unique compared to many others I played. The funniest thing, I can't say I love it, cuz its like a bad addiction, makes me feel worse yet yearn for more

Definutely one of a kind for me.

Is there a way to make it easier to play on mobile? For some reason the save screen only goes until the save to disk. I couldn’t load my save file from my disk because the screen wouldn’t move lower


This IF still feels like coming home and warm trickling honey for me so I'll re-read it as many times as I can. 🥹


Are we able to have 2 lovers?

As far as im aware theirs not gonna be any poly routes in CG

(1 edit) (+4)

Oh god, I am in love with this. The writing is so strong, evocative and colorful. The player character feels like an actual person, not just a blank slate to bounce interaction off of- and the rest of the characters are so fun! Lively and so wonderfully presented. I adore that there is an option to be friends with and also sleep with Zahn, it's an avenue of fluidity with love and friendship and sex that I greatly appreciate, because I don't see it often in IF or VNs! I find it hard not to give love to every character, they're all so endearing. Truly this work makes me want to curl up next to a fire while I read it- comforting, intense, and absolutely delicious. Thank you Lunan for sharing this work on! Beautiful beautiful beautiful story so far.


I loved this! I always enjoy a good read, and to be frank I'm loving all of the characters immensely. I wish you good luck in this endeavor, I could always use another good story!


I named the she-wolf Shakira, as soon as I realized the reference I was already laughing my head off LMAO, i really love this game so far, i can't wait for the final version, the writing, the characters, the words and sentences, everything just felt very real to me and I couldn't help but get chills at how what the MC was feeling was described, keep up the good work with this masterpiece! Its incredible, also, I'm from Latin America and I'm good at English, or so I think, but just in case I say that I speak Latin Spanish in case something I write is wrong or is not understood, HAHAHAHAHAHA, love this!!

This sounds like a really good game, but where's the downloadable version? o_O


really do love this if! i absolutely adore oswin and zahn (also everyone else) but oswin surely tugs at the heartstrings when we had that heart to heart moment in chapter 5😭 waiting patiently for the next update<3


Im quite a lurker so I don't usually comment, but my god, this is one of the best If i've read! Amazing work and best wishes


re-reading chapter 5 and...


If I name the she-wolf ANYTHING ELSE nothing will happen

BUT if i name her Shakira...


(1 edit) (+7)

It brings me an ungodly amount of joy that you found this, lol. It is indeed a Shakira reference. My spouse and I sing She-Wolf all the time, awoos included, so I couldn't resist! I think only one other person may have found this to my knowledge, unless no one dares evoke her name lest she appear, lol. ^_^

I KNEW IT!! O(≧∇≦)O

As an avid Shakira fan this makes me incredibly happy hehe :3


I always enjoyed this IF, but finally reading chapter 5; Genuinely incredible.

Thank you, my friend! I'm glad you enjoyed! ^_^


nice story lunan

Thank you dear! ^_^

do you plan to make God-cursed paid access after the demo? 


I don't usually comment on games (I think this is only my second time, actually-) but I have to commend how beautifully written this story is. Never have I read an interactive novel like this that elicits such profound emotion from me, nor have I felt this close to any fictional character in a long time. When Papa and Da would cry, I'd be crying right there with them. When MC was hurt, I felt that pain with them. I just can't describe how well done this is so far, and I cannot wait to see where this goes in the future. I've already gushed to my best friend about this, and that still isn't enough to express my adoration. Keep up the good work! You're doing amazingly! <3 

That means so much to me, my dear! I am overjoyed that this has resonated with you so much. I'm striving to work hard and keep it up and I can't wait to bring you more of the story to get lost in. ^_^


I love the mule so much lol I can't help always picking her


She's so much fun to write too!


I hope we see more of her!!! Btw your writing is so wonderful and I keep coming back to replay and pick different choices, I can't get enough of it! So excited to see more chapters, I hope you're well!


Thank you so much! That means so much to me, I'm glad that your replays bring new layers of fun. ^_^ 

I'm doing well, and currently working on chapter 6! Determined to keep writing and creating. :D


ahh finally found time to read chapter 5!!! amazing as always, i'm even more hooked than before! i genuinely adore every character but there's just something about Oswin that absolutely makes me melt, i treasure him dearly :') also didn't expect to love Rune as much as i did, definitely my second fav and i can't wait for more with them <3


I'm glad you enjoyed it! Oswin packs a punch, that's for sure. He has a lot of layers for his route. So glad to see Rune getting some love too. I look forward to showing off more about them! ^_^


i desPISE reading but this was amazinh. made me wanna play more games like this

Yay!! I'm glad this pulled you in to read (and enjoy it). I have a much harder time sticking with regular novels, but when an IF is put in front of me, my brain goes "yaaay!" I never read more in my life than when I found IFs and VNs.


Noodles: "Noodles"

Noodles. ^_^


best part of this IF so far......was bapping Duri's nose. 10/10 will bap again.

I fully intend to weave this in again too, lol.


im doing a third playthrough because i quite honestly cannot get enough of this story as i went in not expecting to get hooked that quickly. the writing, the characters and how angst filled it can be - i am both in awe and excited for what's to come. i look forward to the rest of this story and the next chapter as i am highly curious about what's going to happen with mc and their ragtag of emotional support morons

Yay! I'm so glad you're enjoying replays, I hope you found a little more to enjoy each time. ^_^

I can't wait to show you the next leg of this journey, chapter 6 is being whipped up and it's gonna be a big one!


So, just finished my 2nd playthrough and only just found out about the shrine scenes. WTH?! You telling me I missed out on extra jealousy/drama by being an obedient/simp/good girl to my angsty #1 boy?! Well, clearly I have to add another run to my reruns. Although, all my angst lovin is starting to make me worry I'm turning my MC into a massive masochist.. (I might need you to add some scenes that take advantage of that by the way)


Sometimes it's good to be bad, dear! I'm glad you found that little branch though. That choice affects your path into chapter 5 as well. I'll work on making your masochist MC dreams come true. ;)


i've barely played and I already love it, started late last night before bed and dreamed about this game


I love to see that, my friend! Also love that you had a dream about it! That makes me so giddy. ^_^


I tried loading my save file but for some reason it doesn't work- heeelp, I don't want to lose all my progress :"(


I dont think saves work with the update sadly💔 (Though im not sure as i normally dont load saves when updates happen and play a new game everytime)

I am so sorry, dear, but saves were super broken with the update. I am currently trying to get itch's Butler application to work so I don't break them again, but my laptop can't run it. I have delayed a patch for chapter 5 until I can get it worked out though. I'm trying to find another computer that may run the app I need to do this. Hope it didn't dampen your enjoyment!

(2 edits) (+3)

This game is so immersive; u can rly pick who u r without being stat checked. The ROs 💓 no matter what 😍

the current spicy scenes r so 🌶 and detailed 😳 and every character is so well rounded so far! 10/10 ⭐

Awaiting the next update w bated breath!

I'm thrilled that you got so much out of it, my friend! I'm back from a bit of a break and have chapter 6 outlined. There are some juicy things in store! ^_^ (including more spice of course)

(4 edits) (+2)(-1)

before I forget anything-- let me just say reeeaaall quick--

(devoured him btw <3)
(I wish him the best for his next endeavours <3) 

thank you so much for adding that I am going to sob happily MWHAHAHIDWHBIFDHBSFHBSF



I havent finished this yet-- and I havent went to the shrine yet (I will get there, mark my words) BUT ohhhh my gosh CHAPTER FIVE LETS GOOOO 

also, also, didnt expect Duri to be so sweet??? HELLO?? SHES SO ADORABLE (and mysterious) I thought she were going to flirt with me so much that their words are enough to get me pregnant-- (WHAT AM I SAYING??)

we also get to meet Rune!! I decided to let her be a girl since Duri is the only girl in the Romancable characters! She has lovely purple eyes (totally not because I have them too, definately not biased)
I dont know much about her yet, BUT I do wanna know her more :00 
(I do know that she is very prim and proper, but can be very mischievous-- also she had a previous lover WHATTTTTT)

Oh yeah speaking of, PAPA'S FATHER IS FROM A NOBLE?? THE PLOT THICKENS-- (I already have a sneaking suspicion that the king looking for something is Da's family)
(I might be wrong, but its a guess--) 

also also also, OUR TATTOO IS GROWING?? ARE WE A LIVING BLACK HOLE BUT FOR MAGIC???? are we going to explode. 🧍‍♀️

but like honestly, I might keep replaying this game just to see how it would be like with all of the ROs, I obviously cant pick--


waiiitttttt--- ZAHN??? OKAY HE (literally) ATE THAT UPPP OKAY OKAY 
(also, I am a bit curious about his religion... but given the trigger warnings OHHH BOY I THINK ITS GONNA BE A DOOZY) 
(also, like the way he just ate me up, did I mention the way he--) 
(WAAHH lets goooooooo)


ohhh wait he saved me--


I am thrilled that you liked Jun! He's had a few fans pop up here and there and it's tempted me to borrow his character for another story sometime. 

Oh my goodness, your assessments have me over here giggling and tapping my fingies together like a villain.  I think you will really enjoy chapter 6. I've got it outlined and several key moments will...resonate with you. ^_^

(just got off from work--)

anyways-- YES I LOVED HIM!! If Jun was a romancible character, I actually mightve pursued him too, given our 'interest' hehe~
(also if youre tempted, may I be the devil's advocate and say... go for it?? >:3)

(and then wreck him in the process because seeing people get ruined in the best way is so delicious--)
(Okayy I'll stop--) 

(I hope you imagine a crude doodle of me doing that) 

(I'm either going to faint getting so flustered, or I die from the angst, am I? 🧍‍♀️)

(He looks like his will to live has been sucked away (っ °Д °;)っ)
(I imagine him as a used caprisun--) (I swear I am sad about him)

if we head there, I'mma beat whoever did that to my boy--  DONT LET ME CATCH THEM DOING SOMETHING THEYRE NOT SUPPOSED TO

anyways-- that was long, and alsoo~ 
hope you get some rest and have a good day/afternoon/night!! 
and I really really hope youre enjoying making this Twine game because-- I VERYY MUCH enjoy playing it!! :DD 


Damn this writing is pristine. I tend to get bored or tired quickly with things but this really captivated me. I've already sat here for maybe 4 or 5 hours so I should rest my eyes, but I'm excited to come back and read more. Well done.


Thank you so much, my friend. You are too kind. I hope you got some rest for those peepers though for your next read! ^_^


it was really fun :)

Thank you, dear! Glad you had a good time! ^_^


I think I like playing a protagonist who has to rely on others. It feels weirdly pleasant. Or maybe it is just that they have such clear support.


me too

That really resonates with me as well. It may be my little idealist heart, but I wanted that to stand out. The world is hard enough and I wanted to write people trying to hold each other up through it. ^_^


That was great! I devoured the whole thing in a couple of days. I always found it funny how in these stories everyone has the hots for the MC, but I'm not complaining, I love all the flirting going around. I think I'll be going for Zahn.

Also! Love the parents, you did a great job fleshing out their relationship and making me care about them, it's rare for stories to give so much spotlight to (positive) parental relationships and I really appreciate that.

Very eager for the next chapter.

Thank you, dear! I am glad it was worthy of being devoured. MC is quite popular (and in chapter 6, someone will be prodding them about that, lol).

And I am always overjoyed when readers love the MC's parents. I also have a soft spot for them, and I'm glad you enjoy their role. ^_^


 Hey, I'm really loving the story, and specially the characters.

 My only issue might me that all my character does is being taken care of by others. All I've done is fall ill, being affected by the curse and falling from a cliff. I don't really have a problem with that, but, like, aren't I suppossed to be a renowned herbalist? The healer? I feel like to the very least I should be able to help them help me, telling them how to make the medicines I need or something like that. 

 Anyway, I reiterate I've been asbolutely loving it. I speacially loved how when you had multiple options the dialogues changes depending on which ones you did first. It gives it a very nice consistency and makes it feel way more immersive.

Hello dear! Glad you enjoy the story. Just know that the frustration you sense about the limitations, your MC does too. That's a vital part of the story with your MC's life being on hold and stymied because of the curse. Without the stakes and your MC being so held back in life, you don't have as much of a push to find a solution. With your healer, there just isn't much in the way of traditional medicine for your MC to do for themselves since their affliction is unique. There's one known plant that helps and chapter 6 will actually touch on why that is.

I'm glad overall you find it immersive and a good experience! Hang in there, MC can only go up from here! ^_^


Finally (BLESS) had time to get to chapter 5!! First: Happy New Year! B) Thank you for this meal. What a Looong, Delicious chapter! So much Ground covered—Utterly Worth the wait. 🤤♥️

Poor MC really went through this round - OUCH. Gets some damage healed only to get more right after — po’ thing. But am I extremely happy having 3 Captivating ladies to now choose from/make that up to me? MM-YEUP. Zahn was always a cutie (but like - cute/hot, which is hard to pull off)and I love her banter(- -THANK YOU for having LI who calls main ‘SEXY/GORGEOUS’ - seems simple; doesn’t happen enough); then you have charmer, wolfy Duri who shows this stunning vulnerability and soft side/consent - - but also flirts with others and can’t feelings OR KISS YOU PROPERLY. And now you add Rune who’s all in touch with her freakin feelings/super mature - ‘but I’m BORED, everyone pines for me’ - your flirts have Failed - singer-healer — and I don’t know, Lunan! I do. not. Know

Really, it’s such a great problem to have because they all have such DEPTH. And they all kinda treat you like they’re unavailable, but they want you at the same time — I DUNNO Really appreciated how Zahn’s ‘fooling around’ scene was handled, tho - not everyone can write good intimate scene, but I also love when they feel GREAT no matter the bits.

Special shout out to Garza (best new side with 3 lines and they were all GOOOLD) and Ride-or-Die wolf baby. Hope you’re enjoying well deserved break and I will see you at chap 6! 🫡


Happy New Year to you as well my dear! And you are very welcome for the meal, I hope it has left you sated. I am elated that your lovely ladies have got you down so badly and that you're enjoying each of them so much. You have done me a great honor by complimenting the Zahn spice. I enjoy writing those scenes and I fret about them being enjoyable for a wide audience.

I've had a pretty good and much-needed break and am getting in gear to begin writing chapter 6! It is outlined already. ^_^


omfg this is sooo lovely!! the writing is amazing and it’s lowk refreshing to play an if where our parents are alive and well and we have a nice support system and life outside of The Horrors 😭

Thank you, my friend! I am glad you enjoyed it. I totally know what you mean with the parents. I do love me some bad-parent angst, but sometimes it's hard enough for poor MC, lol.


came in to check if you updated - and the squeal I made when I saw the new update !!!! Oh my goodness, Oswin has my entire heart. My boy. My little troubled boy. We're both going through it. I'm also so so interested in the other ROs, I'll start a new save for each of them !! But for now. Focus on the boy. Oswin <3 Patiently waiting for more chapters, take all the time you need !! Marinate the story as long as you need !!!


Yay! I'm glad you had a delightful surprise waiting. I'm currently marinating the chapter 6 outline. I am terrifically excited about it too. ^_^


This is mean, you're being mean. How can I possibly pick between the ROs? Zahn is the only one I am sure I want as a purely platonic buddy (who I will protect with my life) and everyone else is pulling at my heart strings and it's not fair–

I am mostly sorry! LOL I am thrilled that you are so torn, though, and you've found a lot to love. ^_^


hpw does Oswin handle MC when theyre passed out and or having a thing? (i forgot what it was called) ,, we don't see it in game, and i wanna know! also, i love Oswin so much YWYSIODFHDPHF

That might be a POV for later, my friend. Or Oswin may tell MC himself during a conversation in chapter 6 (I'm still outlining so I can't say for sure yet). I am currently working on an extra for Tumblr to celebrate hitting over 2000 followers. It covers MC's "cursed birthday" from Oswin's eyes and should be published this month. It will probably be on itch since my idea is to make it interactive (mainly just adding your MC's details). ^_^


WOOO!!!! can we get MC with a cane later on giggles... also will there be Oswin and MC angst in the future? gotta prepare myself...


Is there a way to be a trans MC? I haven't gotten very far so I'd like to know before i get too far into the story T_T


Technically there isn't anything in that's specific about a trans MC.  My thinking when I did the character creation as it is was that, at least in this world, whoever you are - you just are. That's kinda how I see myself because I've always been in a grey area for my own identity. So, I just am. That's why I didn't enter any sort of specified option for transitioning. Just know I am still giving thought to the subject and I may change my current design in the future as long as I can make it a meaningful one to readers. Hope this helps! ^_^

(Just as a note in case it is something you'd like to know, for any of the  moments that they can come into play, MC's bits are defined by the reader and not the pronouns.)


New update is so good? It hooked me even more really. There's so much question going through my head as I was playing this. The release of chapter 5 further expanded the intensity of MC's situation. Keep up the great work! :3 

I wish to see more of this and will keep rooting for this IF.

Good luck!❤️


Thank you, my dear! I am so glad you enjoyed it and to have you rooting for this story! ^_^


(⁠〃° ^ °⁠〃⁠)  Oswin>>>


(1 edit) (+4)

The new chapter was so good!! Absolutely love the new explicit scenes tbh my MC enjoys seeking fun so I'm quite satisfied 🤭 I actually like Jun a lot, he was so cute and hot like damn can we meet again 🤣 Also it was nice to finally meet Rune, he was nicer and more interesting than I expected him to be. Aster was a pleasant surprise! Ngl he's so sus, like I'm 100% skeptical about him and yet I can't help but be into him LOL He got this dangerous and mysterious thing going on and I like it 😳 Thanks for the update, it was a delight to play!! Looking forward to chapter 6 🫶


I am so glad you liked it! Jun was a joy to write, I feel like plucking him from this world and plopping him as a RO in another, lol. Rune is a character I've felt is better experienced than explained, so I'm happy they were a pleasant surprise for you. And 100% cannot fault you for finding Aster a little sus, lol (someone on Tumblr affectionately calls him ASSter and I really feel that). ^_^


Your writing is so fire ❤️‍🔥 I'm so invested in this game. Every character feels so different and alive which helps with the story immersion. The main thing I like is how flexible the choices are for MC's personality, like it feels great not to be forced to act in a certain way just bcoz it's the default setting for MC. My MC feels like her own person and I love it. (Also love how everyone is charmed by MC's beauty HAHA kinda Mary Sue but I absolutely love being charming so well done!!)

Thank you so much!  I'm glad you mentioned the personality system because I'm currently wondering if I  should stick with it for my next IF or try something new. I think the method in GC has been the favored one though. LOL MC is a bit Mary Sue (Mary Cue? MC - :D - I'll stop), but one you can put through a meat grinder. (this might be mentioned in the game too at some  point, lol)


The personality system is great! One thing I noticed is that when it comes to romance options, it either leans towards being super shy or being rlly bold. Maybe you could consider making the choices, from time to time, like shy but not too much / flirtatious but more subtle? I think that would be nice but ofc it's already rlly good, I like it 😌🤌 Also, Mary Sue MCs are my absolute favs bcoz why wouldnt i HAHA I need my MCs to be great characters that are significant to the story 🫶  So thanks for this! Keep up the good work and I'll be looking forward to continue playing this wonderful game!


I'm glad you like it! I have considered altering the romance system as well. I initially vetoed the more in-between actions since the personality system doesn't use a middle-ground option either (saves me a lot of coding and struggling to find an in-between option that feels natural). But the personality extremes can still kinda pass sometimes for a middle-ground response - they just don't feel as uniquely "this or that" to me. It wouldn't be too difficult to add another flirting method either. I'll do some thinking on it! Thank you, my dear! I can't wait to see how this project grows. ^_^


lunan had to replay this im begging once again, but this time for more nathanael interactions i can't get enough sdfghjk         (^///^)


Totalling reading my mind, I've been thinking about that too! 

This isn't quite the same, but I wrote an extra about how he found his cat and posted it here if you're interested:

You get to see a glimpse of him during a different stage of his life. ^_^


MORE NATHAN CONTENT HGFDEWDSDFRGTAHYJ  thank you!!!! also happy new year lunan and mr lunan, i hope its a great one for you guys <333


You're very welcome! And happy new year to you! Me and Mr. Lunan welcomed two kitties into our family today so we are set for the year, lol. :3


Oh that's great!!! Congrats and have fun with the kitties :)


Thank you! They're doing wonderfully,  and knocking everything over and I  love it, lol.

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